Hacking the Process Flipping Houses in Record Breaking Time

 Jun 30, 2021 
Tyler Jensen, founder and owner of Utah House Flip, is changing the entire game when it comes to house flipping. From his humble beginnings to his 7-day house flipping revolution, he's definitely someone you'll want to keep your eye on in this ever-changing real estate market. You won't want to miss this interview.

Discovering Purpose Through Crisis

 Jun 23, 2021 
Real estate mogul and inspirational powerhouse Raul Villacis joins me this week on Accelerated Investor. Selling an impressive $100 million dollars in assets to date might be the least interesting thing about Raul. His story is one that will surely inspire you to go deep and ignite the spark to start chasing your true purpose.

Use Metrics, Not Emotions, When Purchasing Multifamily Units

 Jun 16, 2021 
When investing in multifamily units, it is so important to take our emotions out of the equation. Use the numbers and a healthy dose of intuition and your investment portfolio will continue to grow and be successful!

Doing Your Due Diligence When Purchasing Multifamily Investments

 Jun 09, 2021 
When investing in any situation, you want to do your research. This is especially true when investing in a multifamily asset. Do your due diligence at the front end so there are no surprises for you. Your portfolio will thank you!

Become a Successful Investor When Starting At Ground Zero

 Jun 02, 2021 
 Everybody has to start somewhere when it comes to investments, and it’s no different when it comes to investing in multifamily units. Education, securing funding, and building solid partnerships and relationships are the corner stones to successful investing. The first deal can be challenging or scary, but it is so important to take that first […]

2021 Strategy Session for Wholesalers

 May 26, 2021 
When the foreclosure moratorium was put in place last year…. That didn’t mean that foreclosures disappeared. They’re slowly building up in the background… Even as the current market inventory is the lowest it’s been in 30 years. Here’s how you can profit in the short-term AND the long-term. Let’s strategize together.

Why We Bought a Class A Duplex From a Student

 May 19, 2021 
Get an up-close look into one of my private lender deals that almost went south… Until I decided to buy it for myself. Seriously, look up the deal on Zillow for yourself, and see why I couldn’t pass it up.

Pay Less Taxes with High Level Tax Depreciation Strategies

 May 12, 2021 
“I love paying more taxes”..... Said no one. Ever. See high-level tax depreciation strategies with national cost segregation expert Yonah Weiss. Yonah even has a strategy for using real estate losses to offset W-2 taxes… A major win for doctors, lawyers, and other high earners.

4 Strategies for Personal Freedom Today

 May 05, 2021 
Successful real estate entrepreneurs know it’s not about the money. It’s not. It’s about the relentless pursuit of personal freedom. Whether you are already an entrepreneur, or you still have a 9-5, I’ve got four suggestions forhelping you carve out some personal freedom from your life right now.

The Power of a Mentor for New Investors

 Apr 28, 2021 
Get totally inspired by new investor and former window washer Zack Boothe. An investor since 2017, he’s already blown through his goal of $1 million a year all on the strength of his hustle, and a little luck.
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Hacking the Process Flipping Houses in Record Breaking Time

Jun 30, 2021

Discovering Purpose Through Crisis

Jun 23, 2021

Use Metrics, Not Emotions, When Purchasing Multifamily Units

Jun 16, 2021

Doing Your Due Diligence When Purchasing Multifamily Investments

Jun 09, 2021

Become a Successful Investor When Starting At Ground Zero

Jun 02, 2021

2021 Strategy Session for Wholesalers

May 26, 2021

Why We Bought a Class A Duplex From a Student

May 19, 2021

Pay Less Taxes with High Level Tax Depreciation Strategies

May 12, 2021